Credit score is one of the most significant figures in your financial life. It is a three-digit number generated by an algorithm using a variety of information in your credit report. Banks use credit score as a means to predict risk, measuring a client’s likelihood to become delinquent on credit obligations in the coming months after scoring.
Different banks use different credit-scoring models, with the FICO credit score being the most popular. A higher number indicates lower risk, helping you gain a higher chance of approval. Some of the factors used in determining a business credit profile include credit history, available credit, and how often you pay bills.
What You Should Know About Credit Scores
Credit scores reflect how well a business or an individual handles money. Banks may view a low score as a client not possessing the necessary skills to manage finances. This is why it is imperative that you must keep your score as high as possible to increase the likelihood of getting approved for commercial property loans. Having a poor credit, however, does not mean it’s the end of the road. You can still qualify for small business loans with the help of Australia’s top commercial loan brokers.
Business credit scores go by a 0 to 100 numbering system. Most lending institutions consider 75 as a good score. Anything less makes it significantly harder to get a business loan approved.
Personal credit scores, on the other hand, employ the more common three-digit numbering system. Experts consider 640 as the minimum score to get approved at the larger banks. If your score is lower, it is better to try improving your score first before applying. Business loans, being larger than personal loans, usually require a score of at least 800.
Pointers to Remember
In general, you need to have an extremely strong credit profile to get approved for a business loan, especially on a personal credit. It is recommended to build up a solid credit history before applying for a loan. Small business owners should also avoid mixing personal credit and business credit histories. Doing so lowers your private credit score and prevents the business from building up business credit history.
Larger banks have stricter standards when it comes to business loans. If you have poor credit, you can try applying for a loan in local banks. There are also institutions that lend money to clients with poor credit rating. Keep in mind, however, that these loans usually have higher interest rates, which only decrease once your business starts earning money.
How Commercial Loans Can Help
If you are looking to purchase or refinance a commercial property in Australia, then you should look into the commercial financing assistance at Whether you need to purchase an office, industrial land, or shop, Commercial Loans have the right solution for you. Commercial Loans acts as your link to Australia’s top commercial loans brokers, making it possible for you to secure a business loan at a highly competitive rate.
You can also get help from Commercial Loans if you are looking to refinance your commercial loan. Whatever your reasons are for refinancing – be it freeing up capital for equipment purchases, funding deposits for commercial real estate, or reducing interest rates – their brokers can come up with the right solution that fits your needs.
Acquiring capital to expand your business has been made easier by Commercial Loans. They offer a variety of solutions to address the needs of business owners. Some of the solutions they offer include lending up to 80% of the value of the property, purchasing new equipment, purchasing commercial or residential real estate, creating working capital, purchasing all types of commercial property, and financing through a self-managed super fund finance. On top of all that, you also get the opportunity to speak directly with one of the best loan brokers in Australia.
If you need more information, simply visit Their website contains all the answers to the questions you may have. They have a commercial loan calculator to make it easy for you to estimate the cost of your loan. You can also get connected with one of the leading loan brokers in Australia by simply clicking on their “Get a Quote” button.